Mes: abril 2021

  • ESI highly cited papers

    The following papers by members of BORDA have become ESI (Essential Science Indicators) highly cited papers: J. C. R. Alcantud, F. Feng and R. R. Yager: An N-soft set approach to rough sets. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28(11) (2020), 2996-3007 M. Akram, A. Adeel and J. C. R. Alcantud. Group Decision-Making Methods Based on Hesitant N-Soft Sets. Expert Systems With Applications 115…

  • New publication in Expert Systems

    New publication in Expert Systems

    The paper “A hybrid decision making framework under complex spherical fuzzy prioritized weighted aggregation operators”, by M. Akram, A. Khan, J. C. R. Alcantud and G. Santos-García, has been accepted for publication in Expert Systems. This is an Open Access article. The impact factor of this journal is 1.546 (JCR 2019).