Publications 2007

Papers published by the BORDA Research Group:

  1. José C. R. Alcantud and C. Alós-Ferrer. Nash equilibria for non-binary choice rules. International Journal of Game Theory 35(3) (2007), 455-464.
  2. José C. R. Alcantud and S. Fuchs-Seliger. On integrability and aggregation of superior demand functions. Economics Bulletin 4(13) (2007), 1-7.
  3. J. L. García-Lapresta. Weighting individual opinions in group decision making. In: Modeling Decisions in Artificial Intelligence (eds. V. Torra, Y. Narukawa, Y. Yoshida). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4617, Springer‑Verlag, pp. 92-103, 2007. Pdf.
  4. J. M. Gutiérrez. A consumption model with separability and imperfect decision makers. Top 15 (2007), 89-102.
  5. B. Llamazares. Choosing OWA operator weights in the field of Social Choice. Information Sciences 177 (2007), 4745-4756.
  6. C. R. Palmero and J. P. Rincón-Zapatero. Recursive utility with unbounded aggregators. Economic Theory 33(2) (2007), 381-391.


  • New publication in Fuzzy Sets and Systems

    As of today, the paper «Rational fuzzy and sequential fuzzy choice«, by J. C. R. Alcantud and S. Díaz, has been accepted for publication in Fuzzy Sets and Systems. The impact factor of this journal is 2.098, its 5-year impact factor is 2.376 (JCR 2015).

    New publication in Fuzzy Sets and Systems

  • New publication in Information Sciences

    The paper “A new consensus ranking approach for correlated ordinal information based on Mahalanobis distance”, by T. González-Arteaga, J C. R. Alcantud and R. de Andrés, has been accepted for publication in Information Sciences. The impact factor of this Journal is 3.364, its 5-year impact factor is 3.683 (JCR 2015).

    New publication in Information Sciences

  • New publication in Knowledge Based Systems

    The paper «A new measure of consensus with reciprocal preference relations: The correlation consensus degree», by T. González-Arteaga, R. de Andrés and F. Chiclana, has been accepted for publication in Knowledge Based Systems. The impact factor of this Journal is 2.947, its 5-year impact factor is 3.011 (JCR 2014).

    New publication in Knowledge Based Systems

  • New publication in Fuzzy Sets and Systems

    As of today, the paper «The problem of collective identity in a fuzzy environment«, by J. C. R. Alcantud and R. de Andrés, has been accepted for publication in Fuzzy Sets and Systems. The impact factor of this journal is 2.098, its 5-year impact factor is 2.376 (JCR 2015).

    New publication in Fuzzy Sets and Systems

  • New publication in Quality & Quantity

    The paper «Consensus measures for various informational bases. Three new proposals and two case studies from political science», by J. C. R. Alcantud and J. Muñoz Torrecillas, has been accepted for publication in Quality & Quantity. The impact factor of this journal is 0.867 (JCR 2015).

    New publication in Quality & Quantity