Publications 2017

  1. J. C. R. Alcantud and R. de Andrés. The problem of collective identity in a fuzzy environment. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 315 (2017), 57-75.
  2. J. C. R. Alcantud, S. Cruz Rambaud and María J. Muñoz Torrecillas. Valuation fuzzy soft sets: a flexible fuzzy soft set based decision making procedure for the valuation of assets,  Symmetry 9 (11) (2017), 253.
  3. J. C. R. Alcantud and S. Díaz. Rational fuzzy and sequential fuzzy choice.  Fuzzy Sets and Systems 315 (2017), 76-98.
  4. J. C. R. Alcantud and T. J. Mathew. Separable fuzzy soft sets and decision making with positive and negative attributesApplied Soft Computing 59 (2017), 586-595.
  5. J. C. R. Alcantud and G. Santos-García. A new criterion for soft set based decision  making problems under incomplete informationInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 10 (2017), 394-404.
  6. J. C. R. Alcantud and M. J. Muñoz Torrecillas. Consensus measures for various informational bases. Three new proposals and two case studies from political science.  Quality & Quantity 51 (2017), 285-306.
  7. M. J. Campión, E. Falcó, J. L. García-Lapresta and E. Induráin. Assigning numerical scores to linguistic expressions.  Axioms 6 (3) (2017), 19.
  8. J. L. García-Lapresta and D. Pérez-Román. A consensus reaching process in the context of non-uniform ordered qualitative scalesFuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 16 (2017), 449-461.
  9. J. L. García-Lapresta and M. Martínez-Panero. Positional voting rules generated by aggregation functions and the role of duplication. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 32 (2017), 926–946.
  10. B. Llamazares. Aggregating preference rankings using an optimistic-pessimistic approach: Closed-form expressions. Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017), 109-113.

  • New publication in Applied Soft Computing

    As of today the paper «Hesitant Fuzzy Worth: an innovative ranking methodology for hesitant fuzzy subsets«, by Alcantud, de Andrés Calle and Muñoz Torrecillas, has been accepted for publication in Applied Soft Computing. The impact factor of this journal is 2.810, its 5-year impact factor is 3.222 (JCR 2014).

    New publication in Applied Soft Computing

  • Special Session in CAEPIA’15

    Rocío de Andrés Calle and José Carlos R. Alcantud are the proud organizers of the Special Session «Toma de decisiones difusas o en ambientes de incertidumbre» at the V Simposio sobre Lógica Difusa y Soft Computing (LODISCO 2015). This Simposio is included in the XVI Edition of the Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial…

  • Launching our webpage

    Our team has been appointed as Consolidated Research Unit by «Junta de Castilla y León» in August 2015. We now launch this webpage to give updated information about our latest activities.